Cleaning, Clearing and Letting Go

What do you want to carry with you in your balloon? What are you ready to let go of?

What do you want to carry with you in your balloon? What are you ready to let go of?


It seems that everywhere I turn I am hearing about the “cleaning-up” energy of January and the immense opportunity for 2019 to truly be the FRESH START that so many of us have been craving for the past several years. I realize that this may sound cliche, but I simply cannot ignore the energy that is stirring up within and around me. And, so I wonder, can you relate?

Personally, I have had a surge of energy to clean, clear and let go. It started with a physical decluttering of our house, followed by a far less enjoyable physical cleansing of my body (compliments of a stomach illness), and then moved towards an incredibly gentle, compassionate and surprisingly easy (and ongoing) release of some age old patterns and habits. This impetus to release seems to have an energy of its own and I have felt very little resistance.

My friend Cathy (and fellow qigong wise women) and I discussed this over a scrumptious lunch yesterday. We visualized ourselves standing in a hot air balloon, fearlessly ready to ascend. But in order to do so we first need to untie the ropes and release the weights inside the basket. I shared with Cathy that the biggest weight I am ready to release is the weight of expectations…all expectations! After lunch, Cathy sent me a quote which I wish to share with you:

“ Expectations are resentments waiting to happen” - Anne Lamott

I wish to share with you an excerpt from the Power Path School of Shamanism January forecast. I was referred to this website about a year ago by a skilled acupuncturist and qigong practitioner, Patti Mayer, and I have always been amazed at how relevant and accurate it is, so I wasn’t completely surprised when I read the theme for January…


The main theme for January is “CLEAN IT UP”.

 We have some very big energies coming in that you will not be able to take advantage of if you are bogged down in physical, emotional and energetic clutter, old intentions, unfinished business, anything you have put off or procrastinated and should have done “yesterday”, regrets, unexpressed communication, attachments to disappointments and unmanifested dreams, persisting bad habits, and we can go on and on as the list is very long.

You cannot bring in the new without making space by cleaning out the old. It is very simple. We spend lots of time making new lists and talking about what we want to accomplish in 2019 but there is no room for anything new unless we declutter the past. If you clean up the past, you will have many more options about what and how to bring in some new dreams and experiences. And we have tremendous opportunity to do so.

Here is an image. You have an old roof that has been fixed and layered with new material many, many times. Now it is time for a new roof again as this one does not serve you. It is cracked and leaking. You can patch or put on another layer of roofing making the roof very heavy and requiring you to use the same material. Or you can completely remove the existing roof and start over giving you many options of what materials to use. Although it will take more time and energy up front, it will be something better and much improved and certainly much lighter.

Read the rest of the January forecast HERE

Power Path School of Shamanism


Qigong, by its nature, is designed to release blocked energy. Over the coming weeks, in our circles, I will guide you through gentle, compassionate movements designed to move any physical and energetic blockages, so that, if the time is right, you may release. As always, the invitation is just that, an invitation, and you will be held in a safe container of compassion.

For those of you who are not joining an upcoming circle in person, I invite you to ponder this question and consider releasing any weights that are holding down your balloon!

As always, feel free to write back, I would love to hear from you!

With deepest gratitude and utmost respect,
