Dear Wise Women,
It is almost one year since I returned back to teaching after my surgery. At that time I was very clear about what I wanted to create - I wanted to create a sacred space for women to come together, to share and to heal. I bravely asked for this and it soon manifested. Throughout the past year I have had moments of wondering if I have veered off course, yet I continue to come back to my “True North” and follow the lead of my inner compass. In my experience, this sense and trust of the inner compass has allowed me to consciously appreciate the full range of experiences that life will inevitably present along this road of Life.
I have truly enjoyed traveling this path with each of you and have deep respect for our unique and divine journeys!
With grace and gratitude,
We finished off our brief exploration of Pamela Wilson’s sweet book, covering the chapters of Love, Relationships, Anger, Sorrow, Inner Alchemy and Honey’s Detecting Pointers of Divine Qualities. I invite you to take the time to read through again with your own copy and allow yourself to hear the words as they are intended to be heard, like a conversation with Pamela. Pausing to listen when guided.
(from “Alchemy of The Heart” by Michael Brown)
When we stop running from that which we perceive as uncomfortable and unfamiliar, and instead embrace it, we gradually reawaken an awareness of our heart. This enables us to begin feeling everything more deeply.
Instead of fleeing what is, we start settling into the moment we are always in - no matter what.
We feel the unlimited variations of the radiance of our own presence, and we consciously appreciate this. We feel the unlimited radiance of the presence of others, and we consciously appreciate this. We feel the ever- changing and unlimited currents of energy swirling through every day, and we consciously appreciate this. We feel the presence of nature in all her manifestations, and we consciously appreciate this.
Not surprisingly, the more we consciously appreciate what we allow ourselves to feel, the deeper our capacity to feel becomes. As we allow this experience of felt-perception to unfold, a remarkable discovery dawns within our awareness like a rising sun after a long dark night:
Ostara, the ancient Germanic Goddess of Rebirth and Renewal, is our modern-day maid of springtime and the namesake of the Easter holiday. With her iconic rabbit and colorful eggs, Ostara heralds the rebirth of the Earth and her creatures, inviting us to reflect upon our own personal experience of renewal. Pushing through the growing pains of evolution can sometimes feel daunting, but when we allow ourselves to embody the wild wisdom of Ostara, we connect with a deep source of spiritual potential.
“It is spring, and this year, as in all years that have come before, you are reborn, inspire to nurture and cultivate your medicine. Each turn of the wheel is another cycle to practice, to learn, to grow, and to wisely shed what no longer serves you so that your precious resources serve only your highest good.
”And now, beautiful spirit, flame of creation, I invite you to reawaken. Hear me now, my beloved, as I sing the song of your medicine. Hear my blessing upon your body and spirit as I beckon you to to push through…though your fear and your doubt may weigh heavily upon you, you can push through to the light…you can push through to the beauty of renewal, as you birth yourself into the fullness of your being once more. “
Wild & Wise, Sacred Feminine Meditations for Women’s Circles & Personal Awakening by Amy Bammel Wilding