April 4, 2016
This past weekend I had the privilege of sharing a deep and powerful Satsang in Calgary, Alberta with Pamela Wilson. In Sanskrit, "sat" means truth and the "sangha" is a group that gathers to sit with truth of their being. This particular sangha was one of the most beautiful groups I have ever had the privilege of sitting with. The collective desire to uncover the truth was palpable, and the group energy facilitated a serene and calm unveiling that can only be described as a homecoming.
Pamela Wilson sharing Satsang
Pamela shared concepts that resonated deeply within, a few of which I paraphrase here:
"The divine experience and the human experience come and go. But that which animates both, the Elemental is unchanging"
"Love doesn't leave. The form of love changes, which can feel like the greatest devastation (as in the death of a loved one). But if you ask Love itself, it will tell you that it has not gone anywhere. The Divine Romance is constant."
I was particularly struck by the words Elemental and Divine Romance, as I sensed a deep connection between my experience of Qigong and my new found awareness of what I am calling the Great Love.
In her eloquent and gentle way, Pamela began weaving these truths together into a gorgeous tapestry, and I found myself wanting to get closer and feel the texture of the cloth. So I was not surprised when I found myself sitting in front of the sangha asking Pamela to tell me more.
Pamela explained that the best way to understand elemental is to look at nature. A tree lives on the elemental energy provided by the earth, water, air and sun. The tree does not seek experiences, nor does it rely on faith, hope and trust in order to be able to keep growing. It does not mourn when the tree next to it dies, nor does it worry about its own death. It just rests in the spaciousness and stillness that is elemental...that is life.
I became curious about how qigong fit into this notion of the elemental.
"Qi" means life force, breath, the essence of life. "Gong" is work or skill that is cultivated through steady practice. So, qigong is the cultivation of the body's vital energy.
In Chinese Medicine, the Five Element Theory states that the Five Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) organize all natural phenomena into patterns in nature. In the human body the elements combine in varying concentrations in different parts of the body. When in balance, the human body experiences physical and mental health. qigong helps to maintain and restore this delicate balance to the human body.
I have practiced qigong everyday for the past 84 days and I have found it to be the most authentic practice I have ever done. It is both relaxing and invigorating. It has soothed my anxiety, increased my energy levels and greatly enhanced my overall well being. When I had my revelation about my relationship, which spurred me to launch Project Love, I had been practicing qigong for 37 days.
And so, as I sat with Pamela, I wondered:
Is it my experience of "being" with the elemental that is enabling me to explore the true meaning of Love?
Could it be that my experience has unfolded so organically and in real time, simply because it is truly natural and elemental? Just like a growing tree.
I asked Pamela, even though I already sensed the answer. She confirmed that, yes, this is nature expressing itself. The ego can relax as it has no job to do, and nothing to protect.