What actions steps are you committing to?
(regular font is as of June 5 and italics is an update as of June 18):
1. Map out and execute a plan for the month of June that includes a way to easily catch up on bookkeeping, prepare for my trip, find studio space for the fall, send a survey to my students, market/get registration for my fall classes, plan my fall retreat with Ariel, plan Chickadees summer camps, take care of many items related to the kids and house, exercise regularly, eat very well.
June 18th update:
-Bookkeeping is under control
- Survey is not done and I don't know if I'm going to do one (Nadine, we need to talk about this)
- Fall registration is underway and is off to a great start, retreat with Ariel is planned and registrations are coming in
- Chickadees is planned and my role is clarified
- Trip is 90% planned, studio space is booked
- Life with the kids and Dave is going smoothly, still need to be more present
- Exercise and self care was going very well but has fallen off the last week
2. Continue to do my coaching and inner work to ensure that I am comfortable with the plan that I have currently mapped out for my business, which is is to:
- continue teaching my classes, with few changes in the fall. I sense that there is much opportunity to grow within this framework and believe quite strongly that the changes to my business will come from withinthe structure of what I have already created.
- I will teach two morning classes and one evening class per week.
- For September to June I would like to have full access to the perfect studio/office space on Monday’s (9 am to 9 pm). During this time I will teach two classes and see private clients. There will be room to expand my studio hours if more is created.
- I am focused on finding this space and securing it. My priority is that the space FEEL good, I am willing to bend on my goal of having it available for 12 consecutive hours in the short term if it is the right space…knowing that it (or more) will be available to me in the future.
June 18th follow-up:
- Everything I wanted to do is DONE! I have found the perfect space and arranged my classes just as I had intended. I have also had the chance to work with a private client (I have done one session with her and have two more booked).
3. Focus on spending more quality time with Dave and to be incredibly present with him. To see what organically unfolds when the energy between us shifts (as led by me).
June 18th follow-up:
- Things with Dave feel different and feel good. There is definitely a shift occurring. However, I am noticing how little time I have for our relationship. This needs to change, I feel that the other changes I am making will lead for room for time with him to open up.
· Practice integrating the wisdom from your Future Self – choose to experience what life would be like from this perspective.
I am visiting my future self several times a day and finding her to be an excellent resource for me! She is very soothing and inspiring!
· Notice what you notice over the next three weeks and capture it in writing – particularly your belief in, and commitment to, your passion and purpose, i.e. what is bolded and italicized in the future self section.
I have noticed that I am much more present and focused in my daily life. I am procrastinating less and I am able to get things done easier. My focus on creating community and being a facilitator of growth for others has led to powerful transformations taking place in my classes.
I had a health scare over these three weeks and I was able to move through it with a presence and acceptance that I have never known before. As it turned out, everything is fine, but the process sure tested me and my ability to surrender unconditionally. I was very proud of my COURAGE to stay present without fear and to undergo the minor surgery.
· Using your driving core values as a guide, go through your program pre-work and the notes in this action guide – and identify any decisions to make, changes to make and actions to take, e.g. running classes in the fall. Make the decisions. Make the changes or set dates if they are in future. Take the actions. You have what you need and don’t need to wait.
I am so pleased to report that I used my core values to guide me into action and the decisions I made with regards to my fall classes, the studio space I will be teaching out of and more importantly the vision of women's circles!
· Buy and get started reading these books:
Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts: Using the Power of Pleasure to Have Your Way with the World
Pussy: A Reclamation
I bought the books but haven't started them yet.
Buy the URL intimacywithsource.com– it is available which is amazing - and is only 99 cents. While you may or may not use it, I recommend snapping it up while available.
· Journal about: What is it to turn toward intuition? What is it to turn toward intimacy? (versus turn away)
At this point, I can say with a lot of confidence that I know what it is to turn towards intuition. This has been developing for years and has been significantly accelerated since our deep dive session on May 31. Here’s what it feels and looks like so far:
- Though planning is necessary, there is no anxiety about the unfolding of each moment. It just happens and is always in line with my values and my greater good. Miracles tend to happen, such as:
- finding a lost object when I need it
- being invited to an event that takes me further down my spiritual path right when I need it
- knowing instinctively that I cannot trust an offer that I received
- always having enough time
- razor sharp focus on what needs to be done and doing it.
- knowing intuitively to say yes to the person who asked me to work with her privately and trusting completely that my session would serve her highest good. No anxiety and no doubting.
- knowing which spaces are right and which are wrong very quickly and not being afraid to turn away from an opportunity
Turning towards intimacy is still developing. So far it is happening quite organically and naturally. Nothing is being forced. There is just an arising of tenderness for: Dave, my girls, my friends, my students
Up until this point I [fill in the blank]and from this moment on I am learning how to OR deepening my ability OR growing my ability to [fill in the blank].
Yes, yes and yes. Am loving this so far!
· Practice intimacy with and turning toward your husband and kids.
Working on this slowly and organically, its taking time with Dave.
· Handle the backlog of bookkeeping, asking: “How can this be easy?”
I have carved out time to do this next week and I sense it will be done efficiently and easily.
· Prepare for your trip, again asking: “How can this be easy?”
The preparation has been easy and fun, we are mostly done and what is left to do feels light.
· I also had a vision of you commissioning a painting of you and a lotus flower growing up and out from your core with gold light. (In the future, I believe your new personal brand will have a lotus flower with gold throughout.)
· Explore Dan McMillanfor you and Dave, if it feels right to do so… or maybe this comes later as a consideration in the summer or fall.