Learning Outcome: Create core ground rulesfor your lifestyle, career/business, the difference you’re here to make, and how you want to be seen by others.
This is your chance to write a personal manifesto with declarations of what you know for sure and what you stand for. Think of Oprah’s column in O Magazine: What I Know for Sure.
These are both what’s happening now and what you want to happen in the future. Some overlap between the four sections is totally normal.
Remember this is draft one – or your “first try” – and you can always come back later and update. This is an evolving process so there’s no need for perfectionism here! ;)
Write all declarations in present tense and start them with:
I am, I will OR I believe. To get your creative juices flowing, some examples from my own declarations are included for you.
1. LIFESTYLE- What do you know for sure about the lifestyle you want?
I am emotionally and physically available to my two daughters.
I have an intimate and fulfilling relationship with my husband.
I have deep and meaningful relationships with the women (friends and clients) in my life.
My living space is bright, fresh and tidy with minimal clutter.
I am intrinsically connected to the needs of my body and meet my needs for nourishment, exercise and fresh air every day.
I believe the key to happiness is to be comfortable with uncertainty and to embrace every moment as it is.
2. BUSINESS / CAREER-What do you know for sure about your work?
I am energized by my work and always look forward to it.
I am living my life purpose through the work I do.
My personality is my greatest asset.
My intuition guides others on their healing journeys.
I believe I can be rewarded financially for my abilities as a healer and facilitator or women's circles.
I am passionate about my work and can achieve my objectives while maintaining my core values and without sacrificing my self care or my ability to spend quality time with my husband and kids.
I need to be diligent in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries with my clients and with my extended family.
3. DIFFERENCE & IMPACT - What do you know for sure about the difference and impact you want to make through your work? What fires you up… what makes you sad?
I create community.
I create sacred space where women feel welcome safe to be vulnerable, honest, and seen.
I have a natural ability to quickly form meaningful connections with people and to inspire them to open up to others as well.
The work I do is life changing for my clients.
I am making an important and essential contribution to the well being of my family and to our future through the work I do with our family business.
4. YOU-What do you know for sure about how you want to be seen in the world?
How do you want to be seen by your family? By your clients? Most importantly, how do you want to be seen by YOU?
I attract people who have a desire to open their hearts.
People are drawn to me for my vibrant personality, trustworthiness, integrity, authenticity and humility.
I am conduit for messages from the Divine.
I walk my talk and talk my walk, and I accept and share my inevitable stumbles.
My husband and children know that they are most important to me.
My actions are in alignment with my core values of inner harmony, intimacy, courageous, health and integrity.
5. What is most important for you to remember from this experience of creating your Personal Manifesto?
I KNOW that everything I have declared is true for me, AND, I declare that NOW is the time to step fully into living in accordance!