Tap into the Wisdom of Your Future Self
You’ll learn from your Future Self, a trustworthy source of wisdom. Use the questions below to journal about your experience and capture the meaning and important pieces you want to remember.
Describe the dwelling of your Future Self. What does it look like? Feel like? Smell like?
What landscape does it have? What is your overall sense of this place?
· Lovely home, gardens, porch
· Peaceful
· Fresh and clean
· Comfort
· By the ocean
· Big yard
What does your Future Self look like? What is the essence of this person? What else do you notice?
· Vibrant and beautiful
· Warm
· Wise
· Wearing wrinkles well
· Dress feels fun and modern
· Fit, healthy
What does your Future Self most want you to remember from the last 20 years?
What stands out in her or his memory?
· Living the life of joy and pleasure
· Deep, loving relationship with daughters and their children
· Deepening of relationship with Dave, Dave is definitely there
· Dave is so happy and puttering around
What did your Future Self say would be most helpful for you to remember to get from where you are to where she is?
Tenderly she says:
“Oh sweetheart, it’s not difficult, it’s not a secret. It is most precious of all, you simply must open your heart fully. Everything will unfold. You will be surprised. I remember how hard it was to open my heart when I was younger.”
What else did you ask her and what did she say?
Feeling deep wisdom from working from many experiences, some were hard and some were joyous. As I ask her these questions, she smiles and laughs at me, puts her hand on my knee and her other hand on my hand and says:
“It all unfolded exactly as it should. You need not worry. I cannot give you those specific actions because if I do, it would be a disservice to you. If I told you those answers, I would not be serving you because you would miss the ride.”
She is quiet, serious and fierce now:
“If you do not pay attention you will go down a dark path. You are at a crossroads. Our focus was to break a long, long, long, long, very long pattern in the female chain of our family ofnot listening and ofturning away from intuition and intimacy.
And it is not a guarantee, it is a choice. It is in your DNA. If you shut down and turn away, you will not arrive here 20 years from now and more so, you will not break the chain for your daughters.”
Then she lightens up and laughs:
“Don’t be so scared. It is really easy. And it’s all in front of you.”
Now there’s a grandchild in the room – a little girl who crawls up on her lap. Dave is making something in the kitchen.
What did your Future Self tell your present-day self about what’s next
for you – about your bigger dream?
Very powerful, making me cry. The words that are coming:
“Please stop wasting your precious life. When you pay attention, the cancer won’t come back. Your life will be forever transformed.”
She is so certain and loving. There’s a fierceness because she knows if I don’t listen to her, she won’t be there in 20 years and neither will be the grandbaby be with her.
She is standing for her life.
“Please peel back the protective layer and let this gem inside come out.”
What gift did your Future Self have for you? What was its meaning?
Absolutely 100% a lotus flower. It is the lotus to remind me that I’ve known this for a very long time. To tell the younger version of myself that she’s already started blossoming. Everything it represents is about my path.
This is a gentle reminder the younger version of myself chose the lotus flower as her symbol. A gentle reminder that I am on my way. There is really not that much to do. I haven’t made a mess of anything. It is time to raise the flower over the garbage dump.
My young self wants to say I’m afraid. My future self says:
“Yes, honey, the answer is of course your courage. Courage is the heart. Don’t be afraid that your light will dim others.
It is important in this transformation that you do not share this experience with anyone else. It is really important to not speak this exercise to others right now. It might threaten others and cause you to go back into your shell.
The unfoldment requires this to be your own experience for now. You want it to be truly your experience for now.”
“Go back home now.”
“And you need to wear sunscreen.”
Patti, what is your WHY? Why is now the time for you to step into this? WHY NOW?
· The areas of my life that I’m not happy with will not be resolved in any other way
· This IS the way in
· I know I need to step into this
· Everything comes from this
What this really is: