Inner Harmony
– ease, grace, flow, fully aligned and present with each moment
– meeting and being met fully and unconditionally
– showing up fearlessly, taking steps forward
– vitality and energetic balance
– walking my talk in all aspects of my life
Primary Area #1: Health & Self-Care 6 / 10
Why did you choose this number for this area?
I am more tired than I would like to be. I make many choices in the moment that are not in the best interest of my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual self. I have a lot of awareness of when I am doing this and, yet, I do it anyways and/or procrastinate or put off nourishing and self-care activities.
How are you being true to your values in this area? (Where do you feel inner harmony?) Give examples.
I am often true to my values, I have a pretty healthy lifestyle. I feel inner harmony when:
- I meditate
- Do qigong and yoga
- I walk our dog
- I go to the gym and run the stairs
- Eat nourishing and whole foods
- Go to bed early and wake up early
- Journal
How are you feeling out of alignment? (Where do you feel inner conflict?) Examples.
I feel out of alignment/conflicted when I don’t do the above regularly. More importantly, I feel inner conflict when I procrastinate and/or choose activities that are not supportive of my health, which I seem to do many times throughout each day. This is particularly distressing since it is the opposite of how I feel when I am aligned and is the opposite of what I share in my classes. I know what it is like to be in alignment, living on purpose, and flowing naturally…so I find it very frustrating that I fall out of alignment as often as I do.
What do you already see needs to change in this area? Be as specific as you can.
I hesitate to say that I NEED to… (eat better, work out more, go to bed early etc, etc). I hesitate because I know that simply reprimanding myself and setting goals doesn’t work! What NEEDS TO CHANGE is a deeper connection to the inherent motivation and an understanding of what is preventing me/sabotaging me.
What is the most important for you to remember about where you are now in this area?
I want to remember how unsatisfied I am at the end of most days with how I cared for myself.
Primary Area #2: Family & Relationships 5 / 10
Why did you choose this number for this area?
I find that I am often distracted when I am with my family. This is definitely out of line with my core values! If I were to break it down, my rating for my marriage would be a 3, my relationship with my kids a 7, and my friends a 9. My relationship with my family of origin is not a fulfilling or healthy relationship, but, ironically, it feels quite in line with my values.
How are you being true to your values in this area? (Where do you feel inner harmony?) Give examples.
I feel inner harmony and alignment when:
- I am present to my children and meet them exactly where they are at. When I am fully present, I am able to help them move through challenging situations and my words and actions line up with my core values.
- I am with friends with whom I have an emotional and spiritual connection
- I am usually able to be more in line with my values in this area when we are on vacation or not at home.
How are you feeling out of alignment? (Where do you feel inner conflict?) Examples.
- I often feel conflicted and out of alignment in this area, especially with my husband. Even though intimacy is one of my core values, I do not do a lot to foster intimate connections with him.
- When I am pressured and frustrated with myself, I find that I act out in ways towards my kids that is totally out of alignment with my core values.
What do you already see needs to change in this area? Be as specific as you can.
- I need to make more time for my family/create more space for them in my life. To do this I need to address the issues that were raised in area #1 above (procrastination, lack of motivation etc), because I am always feeling like there is more I need to DO, which causes me to be distracted when I am with them.
What is the most important for you to remember about where you are now in this area?
I want to remember how much I LONG to have intimacy, harmony, integrity, and courage (4/5 of my core values) in my relationships and how this is not happening with the people I love the most!
Primary Area #3: Business & Career 3/ 10
Why did you choose this number for this area?
I chose this low number because I do not feel that I am being courageous in my career. I find the easiest way to do things with minimal risk. Also, although I feel inner harmony and integrity during my classes and when I write to my students, I rarely feel this way outside of those times.
How are you being true to your values in this area? (Where do you feel inner harmony?)
Give examples.
Practicing Grace Qigong:
I feel fully aligned with my values when I am teaching my classes and composing my weekly class follow-up email/blogs.
Little Edgewater Holdings(family business for which I do bookkeeping, property management and succession planning):
Though I don’t have much harmony with the work I do with my family, I do find the actual work quite rewarding and I also feel that there is great potential for me to step into this role with more courage and integrity and to maximize the financial potential for me and my family.
How are you feeling out of alignment? (Where do you feel inner conflict?) Give examples.
I do not feel inner harmony when I think about my career.
Practicing Grace Qigong:
Though I teach inner harmony and emotional, spiritual awakening, I do not feel inner harmony when I think about my business or its potential. I see limitations and ceilings. Even though I have received a lot of positive feedback, I continue to doubt my abilities and my credentials.
Little Edgewater Holdings:
This is a really tricky situation. Much of this work is out of alignment with my integrity. Working with my family is not fulfilling or easy, as none of them share my values.
What do you already see needs to change in this area? Be as specific as you can.
I need a clear vision of what I want and why. I need a vision and a plan and the courage to execute it.
I have many ideas of what I could do with my Qigong practice such as:
- Further my education (if needed) to include some form of one-on-one work (energy healing, intuitive counselling etc)
- Expand my class offerings
- Lease a studio and sub-lease it for revenue. Ideally with an office in which I could do my bookkeeping work (would this help me with my distraction/procrastination at home?)
- Consider changing my website and name to be more personal (perhaps I need to sell “me” more
However, as we said in our preliminary meetings, I am not sure that any of these HOW’S can be executed until I figure out exactly WHY I want this and WHAT I want – and perhaps more importantly, what is getting in my way????
What is the most important for you to remember about where you are now in this area?