Once many, many years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night. Only I wasn’t in bed sleeping. I was on the ceiling looking down at my body lying on the bed. I studied myself, a little suprised at how unusual I looked from the outside. The next thing I knew, I was more than a body; I had a soul. I was about to embark on a path that would consciously connect me to that soul - experiences on the path to freeing the soul.
Throughout my life I have had many conscious desires and expectations about my life. I wanted this, I wanted that. I wanted my life to be arranged just so. What I’ve understood is that the journey I’m taking is not one based on arranging my life in a particular way, then keeping it just so. The journey I’ve been on and what I’ve been seeking has been the journey of my sou
Much in life can cause us distress and discomfort when we look with our conscious mind. But if we look beyond what we can see on the surface, we’ll begin to see with the eyes of the soul. The lessons run deep. Often they take time to learn. We learn about power. We learn about love. Courage. Faith. Saying good-bye. Embracing deep love for ourselves.
Learn to see life with the eyes of the soul.
Experience all the emotions that are there.
Discover your truths. Seek conscious peace
as much as you can, and seek peace in your
soul as well. Let you should lead you through
meadows, and take you down deep into the
valleys, for all your experiences are just
that - experiences - on this mysterious
journey of the soul.
Melody Beattie, “Journey To The Heart - Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul” January 26 mediation