So often the simple tasks of life can seem overwhelming. But feeling overwhelmed is only a reaction to them.
Many things need to be done - laundry, housekeeping, car maintenance, bills, taxes, appointment, work - the every responsibilities of our lives. The task of quietly beginning , doing the first step of the first task can help us find our way through. Once we begin, we see that things aren’t overwhelming. The simple act of setting to the task simplifies it. Our sense of peace reappears in the magic of the present moment.
Magic and power don’t come from contemplating all that lies ahead, how much needs to be done, all that might go wrong, whether we’ll get through. That’s fear. We don’t find the magic and power by denying, escaping, or ignoring our feelings, even feelings of being overwhelmed. Feel what you need to feel. Release it. Go forward in love, one moment at a time.
We will be given the power to do all
we need to do. Take the simple steps
that lie before you. Take one step at a
time. You’ll find the way again.
- Melody Beattie, “Journey To The Heart”