Love is the active power that breaks through the walls that separate one human from another. - Erich Fromm
What does it mean to open the heart?
The Secrets of the Spiritual Heart, excerpts from Michael Singer’s book, “The Untethered Soul”
(note I have changed Michael Singer’s writing of the word “you” to the word “we” and the word “your” to the word “our”).
When we take in the world, our experiences are processed by our senses into energy patterns that our mind and heart can receive and experience. If these energy patterns create disturbance, we will resist them and not allow them to pass through us. When the energy can’t make it through the mind because of conflicts with other thoughts and mental concepts, it then tries to release through the heart. That is what creates all the emotional activity. When we resist even that release, the energy gets packed up and forced into deep storage within the heart.
The alternative is to open and relax the heart no matter what. To allow all the experiences of life to come in and pass through our being. Only then can we begin to see the secrets of the heart.
The heart is the place through which energy flows to sustain us. This energy inspires us and raises us. It is the strength that carries us through life. It is the beautiful experience of love that pours through our whole being. This can go on all the time – unending inspiration, unending love, and unending openness. That is the natural state of the healthy heart.
So the invitation and the work is to Transcend the tendency to close the heart and to allow yourself to experience every note the heart can play.
HeartOpeners is an inclusive community of open-minded and open-hearted individuals who share a desire to bring more presence, joy, and well-being into their lives. Through the practice of Qigong, we access our connection with infinite life source and flow this energy into our bodies and our lives.
Joining HeartOpeners is about much more than signing up for a series of classes, it is an opportunity to participate in a sacred community of energetic and heart-felt connection - the benefits of which are greater than any of us can imagine!
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All the sign-up instructions are on my website under Heart Openers Virtual Community.