Uncontaining our Vastness!

“You come to know quiet out there. But we know noise, more’n quiet after a time an’ we figure that’s what’s normal. It ain’t. It’s quiet that’s normal. Animals get that. They never lost it like us. They move in it. They wear it. It’s the normal way …

“You come to know quiet out there. But we know noise, more’n quiet after a time an’ we figure that’s what’s normal. It ain’t. It’s quiet that’s normal. Animals get that. They never lost it like us. They move in it. They wear it. It’s the normal way of things for them. So after some years I come to understand that if you’re lookin' for an animal or you wanna know it, you got to be what you seek”

- Frank Starlight speaking to Emmy, a lost and abused woman (caracters in Richard Wagamese’s book “Starlight”)


Dear Friday Morning Wise Women,

What to say? I have no words. Our gathering yesterday was all about savouring the stillness, the quiet. Letting ourselves fall into the stillness, and uncontaining the vastness within…revealing our true nature.

And, wow, did our little Sangha go deep! The silence we shared was truly precious. The words spoken seemed to land exactly where they needed to land and the movements flowed naturally. We really worked together beautifully!

I shared Pamela Wilson’s chapters on The Mind, The Body and Emotions and I encourage you to savour them again this week from your own copy of her book.

With deepest gratitude,