Thank-you, wise women, for creating such a deep and caring circle today - what a wonderful way to begin our new session together!
Today, as so many times before, the message and intent of our circle is developed in the weeks and days leading up to our gathering as well as from the energy of the circle itself (in real time). As such, much of my class preparation (and yours) is about tuning in and opening up, so that I (we) may be fully present to what wants to arise. Together we weave words and movements to serve our highest good and also for the highest good of the collective (because when we heal we heal those around us).
I had been planning to focus our first class on the energy of this powerful new year and the releasing of energetic blocks. However, I wanted to stay open to all possibilities, so in my meditation this morning I asked spirit if there was anything else that wanted to come forward today?
Apparently spirit wanted me to stick with this theme as I was led to one of my daily meditation books and the message for today, January 11th, was entitled:
“Let Go of the Blocks”…
Beyond the obvious affirmation for my class plans, there is special significance to this meditation being on the date of January 11th. January 11th is my oldest daughter's birthday which was a powerful lesson in letting go (see the footnote below for more on this).
The other reading I was inspired to share with you came in an email from Richard Rohr ( and was a sweet little gem written by Parker Palmer…
What do you want to let go of in the coming year?
What do you want to give yourself to?
What is keeping you from giving yourself fully?
These were the questions that were contemplated during our sharing circle, and, oh, did we share a rich collection of stories, desires and intentions! Sincere gratitude to everyone.
The Qigong practice that followed was deep…I could fully feel your presence and it was powerful! Together we gently released and we gave ourselves fully to source. I encourage you to continue releasing, and giving, and filling, and loving in every moment of every day! 💗
And, now a little footnote…
I wish to share with you a story I wrote in 2002 shortly after my daughter’s birth which was published in Birthing Magazine. To be totally honest, my current self struggles a bit when I read these words. I find myself feeling somewhat distant from the woman who wrote it and maybe even a bit judgemental of her... my older self finds it a bit difficult to fully relate to her level of grief and disappointment in this situation. Yet I am able to extend deep compassion to my younger self. I remember how real these feelings were to me at the time, and I fully honour the experience and my willingness to grow from it. As it turns out, life (as life does) would go on to give me several more chances to practice letting go. After Ayla’s birth I had four miscarriages, my parents divorced and I was diagnosed with breast cancer, not to mention the ongoing necessity to surrender control as a parent.
Like all of you, life has given me (and will continue to do so) many opportunities to…
Let go of what “should” happen and give myself fully to what “could” happen.
True gifts.