Dear Sweet, Awe Inspiring, Gorgeous Mama's!!
You continue to amaze me! What transpires in our circle continues to amaze me! Your willingness to hold whatever arises and to trust in divine grace is truly precious.
Cathy, thank-you for joining us virtually and know that we were all holding you and Kirk in our hearts! Michelle C, thank-you for letting us gather in your beautiful home and soak up your radiance! Tammy, I am so sorry you cannot join our circle anymore and I congratulate you on your acceptance into your program!
Every single week, I am humbled (like on my knees humbled) by the guidance and messages that I receive within this sacred space.
Personally, this Friday's gathering was especially meaningful, and I'd like to share my experience with you. I did not have a good start to my Friday morning, and I certainly didn't feel much like a spiritual teacher when I pulled into Michelle's yard. Yet there was a calm knowing that all would be ok. As I prepared for class, I felt supported and guided to hold space and to serve.
Over the course of last week, I found myself feeling very disconnected towards my family, and pretty darn resentful of my role as a wife and mother...(how perfectly ironic that today is Mother's Day). Suppressed and buried emotions were surfacing and, sure enough, I got hooked into believing the story behind each one of them. I was painfully and acutely aware of the contrast of the "Patti" who was showing up for my family and the "Patti" that was showing up for my students. So, I decided to bring this incongruency to our circle, and during our meditation, I asked for help. I asked for the truth of this blockage to be revealed and I asked for the courage to move through it.
The calling to have each of you draw a Wild Woman card and to share it with the group revealed so much about the energy of our circle and it guided the practice that followed. Many of the words that came to me during our movements have never come to me before. I trusted in these words and trusted that they were meant for each of us. During our practice, something inside of me shifted... something that has been shrouded and locked down for years and years, came into the light.
It took the rest of the day and evening for this shift to integrate. Serendipitously, my Friday plans supported the integration perfectly. Katrina C and I had the most glorious afternoon in Canmore where we both received treatments with a true angel on earth, Patti Mayer. Patti helped me to claim a part of my self that has never been claimed before, a sense of glorious independence. I do not yet know what it all means, but it feels authentic and real and INCREDIBLY invigorating!
I hope that the messages I chose to share of "Presence" and "Passage" as well as Kuan Yin's "Mother of Mercy Prayer" resonate as deeply for you as they do for me. (Michelle C, I ordered my own deck of Wild Woman cards and I LOVE them)!
""Don't just do something, stand there!" shouts the Wild Woman. Be present in all your capacity. Envelop all there is. There is nothing you can do in greater capacity than to be present.
If you want to feel your presence you must be there in yourself. With this, you will feel connection to everyone and everything.
To maintain balance in your life, especially when things are out of your control, is to recognize that there's nothing you can do, except be present. This is all you need to hold your balance.
Be present to life now. Let it be. Recognize it is almost always the way. Be present. Just be present, and all will come to you."
- Elizabeth MacLeod, Wild Woman Mystery Cards
"Passage is a word misunderstood. It suggests movement from one place to the other. Consider for a moment that passage is something more that you go through without movement, as if it were an initiation of sorts. Consider that passage is that which you are always engaged in as you move in and out of each moment in your life.
There are little and big passages, just like little and big moments. Sometimes the simplest moments are the most profound. Simple, Wild Woman is a word also misunderstood. Simple is made to look easy, or made to look quick, but simple is clear and can be as profound as any moment you might ever have. Notice that with each new moment, you are in passage, passage into something new. You are traveling into all that you are, in any given moment. When you realize this, you will know you that you have reached the initiation of the Wild Woman, knowing that each moment is a passage into something greater than ever came before, because it is a new moment. And with this comes the allowing necessary to open your heart to all the experiences you could have. It's like you are literally birthing into your self in every moment and coming out new, with which to see your perceptions change before your very eyes! This is the gift of passage. Coming into your self and allowing for passages of life to take place with compassion and light heartedness, you will initiate yourself into your self without the need for anyone to tell you of wisdom they think you should do. You will know.
Wild Woman passage is a sacred event unfolding every minute of every day. It takes a conscious awareness to be present to the steps you take and choices you make in each moment. Passage takes you to another passage. And passage is always there for you whether you like it or not. To be present to passage allows you to take ownership in your life, deciding which road to take and which path to climb. It allows you the full experience of all of you. It's as if with each step you move for you to create yourself. So create yourself. You do not have to find yourself. You are here. Create yourself, in every moment, in passage. What an enormous gift to yourself and ultimately our world."
- Elizabeth MacLeod, Wild Woman Mystery Cards
And how perfect is Kuan Yin's message for us this week?!
Just like a Sun that sines brightly casting a strong shadow, your growing spiritual power needs to be expressed with the awareness that it will have an effect on others, even if you are not completely conscious of that effect. To create peace in the expression of your power, we call upon the Mother of Mercy. Mercy tempers great strength and power with kindness, gentleness, compassion and caring. The Divine Kuan Yin brings the quality of Mercy to you know as a divine gift, encouraging you to cultivate mercy in your dealings with others and to receive it for yourself now too.
Mother of Mercy so loves my Soul
The Nectar of Mercy brings peace and bliss untold.
I open my heart now to this endless love and peace, which the grace of Kuan Yin helps me reach.
Om Mani Padme Hum.”
I wish each of you the most glorious Mother's Day celebration today, how wonderful that we all share this journey of motherhood!
With the deepest of love and appreciation,