Wise Women Circles of Presence and Qigong

SPRING SESSION: May 10 - June 17, 2021

NOTE: ALL Spring Circles are currently FULL, please email me to be added to the waitlist for the Fall 2021 Session
(note I will be adding a Tuesday evening circle to the schedule in the Fall)

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My intention for the spring session is to expand on the teachings of PRESENCE, EMBODIMENT and HIGHER DIMENSIONAL LIVING both in theory and in practice. I wish to deepen our Qigong practice while continuing to foster community, connection and the co-creation of an energetic healing field within our cherished Wise Women circles.

I am also feeling a strong call to imbue our teachings with the wisdom of the divine feminine and will be drawing extra inspiration from the voice of the feminine (from modern day teachers as well as historical mystics and goddesses).


All Spring Circles are currently FULL, please email me to be added to the waitlist for the Fall 2021 Session
(note I will be adding a Tuesday evening circle in the Fall)

May 10, May 17, May 31, June 7, June 14
No Class: May 24

May 10, May 17, May 31, June 7, June 14
No Class: May 24

May 11, May 18, June 1, June 8, June 15
No Class: May 25


Investment: $125

Includes Three Wise Tribe Heart Transmission Circles (see below)
FREE access to my
Video Library and Livestream Qigong Classes


Please review my registration guidelines and cancellation policies by clicking HERE

* I do not want anyone to miss out due to financial concerns. If this contribution is not possible for you, please reach out to me.

💗Heart Transmission Circles💗

The Heart Transmission Circles are a profoundly rich experience which I am honoured to facilitate and offer to all registered Wise Women.

After a guided meditation, each woman will receive a few moments of silent presence and focused love from everyone else. The length of time for the heart transmission circle to be complete will vary depending on number of attendees (often taking less than the full hour allotted).

All wise women enrolled in a weekly circle are invited to attend!

“At the last Heart Transmission Circle I attended there was a small group of us and it was the most intimate and powerful circle I have ever experienced. As part of the circle we silently gave our undivided attention to each other with love and presence. It was magical! It brought tears to my eyes to be really seen and accepted in that way. I felt it to the core of my being.”

— Barb C

Heart Transmission Circle Dates for Spring Session 2021:
Sunday, May 16, 2021, 9:00 am (MST)
Sunday, June 6, 2021, 7:30 pm (MST)
Saturday, June 19, 2021, 9:00 am (MST)

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